

Reed Smith LLP

Industry: Law Practice

Location of Interest: London, U.K

Reed Smith LLP counsels 13 of the world’s 15 largest commercial and saving banks, 25 of the world’s 35 largest oil and gas companies, and many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers. Their London location is the firm’s largest office with over 350 lawyers who serve both international and domestic clients.

"With large batches of documents to print, DocBuster really does save you hours"

Gary Hunt, Print Room Specialist

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The Situation

Reed Smith has been rapidly growing, and the needs of their London office quickly exceeded the yields of manual batch printing. The firm was required to print hundreds of electronic files of varying formats each day for document review, trial submission, client services and more. Not only did this entail thousands monotonous clicks per batch, but for many of the more complex files this process also included formatting, unlocking passwords and other measures.

Their initial solution was one of the market leaders in e-Discovery; however, after a trial period, Reed Smith recognised they needed a more user-friendly and effective solution. The initially trialled software was simply too complex and cumbersome for their daily use.

The Solution

Reed Smith found a solution that met their exact needs—something sophisticated yet simple—DocBuster.

DocBuster not only automated the monotonous process of batch printing by hand, but its added features have even furthered their productivity. Facilities Manager Martin Wood said, “Before, we needed one member of the team to sit there and file-print for hours. Now, we can set up a massive job on DocBuster and get on with other work while it runs.” Even today, their batch printing needs are still growing and DocBuster has helped them to evolve and succeed. “We used to have one big print job a day. Now, we have four massive ones—at least—and we can do them all thanks to DocBuster,” Egle Budvytyte, Print Room Specialist, commented.

They save the most money—and frustration—by running reports before jobs. “The lawyers actually request them now; everyone in here is familiar with DocBuster. Reports really benefit us all,” Egle added. And she was right. DocBuster’s intensive reports accurately predict page counts, prices, data, and even errors, allowing both the print room and the lawyers to make changes accordingly. Now, Reed Smith can page cap to remove excess, insert place holders for massive documents like Excels, catch encrypted files prior to printing, simply assess the scope for further revision, and more. Lawyers can more easily find the information they want without superfluous documentation. The print room saves time. Reed Smith saves money.

The Benefits

Reduced impact on their human resources, freeing them to carry out more productive tasks
Lowered risk through reduced human interaction, resulting in fewer errors
Extensive slip sheet features, giving them the ability to satisfy even the most specific client requests
Identification of encrypted files and application of given passwords to automatically de-crypt them

Before, we needed one member of the team to sit there and file-print for hours. Now, we can set up a massive job on DocBuster and get on with other work while it runs.

Maximize Efficiency and Productivity with DocBuster!

Take the first step towards maximising your firm’s productivity and success. Contact us today and see how DocBuster can revolutionise your printing process, just like it did for Reed Smith LLP.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to streamline your operations and elevate your legal services to new heights!


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